ElfHosted is Open Source
Our technical resources are open-source, and available for public inspection and input.
Part of the reason ElfHosted exists is to provide a "reference design" for similar platforms. If you want help doing something like this, hit me up - it's my DayJob™!
Each month's progress reports and metrics are summarized in the left-hand navigation column, and are listed below:
Contains the containers we run (available at ghcr.io), with a build process inspired by https://github.com/onedr0p/containers/

Contains the flux GitOps manifests used to run various services on the cluster, as well as the ansible playbooks / roles to maintain these.

Contains the charts we use to provide apps, under a single umbrella chart "myprecious". Heavily inspired by https://github.com/k8s-at-home/charts, which I've since forked to https://github.com/elfhosted/charts, and continue to maintain

Contains source used for https://elfhosted.com, and is built with mkdocs-material on Netlify

What's missing?
Ha. Good question. What's not public is the repo which houses our user configs (each user's particular combination of helm charts and values), for obvious reasons, and all the secrets etc which make the magic work.